About me

I am Mijke Baeten. I grew up in Maastricht, studied in Utrecht, and worked in Amsterdam. In 2019, I moved to Deventer for love. I am a mother of two children.

During my studies, my interest gravitated towards family and matrimonial law. I graduated with honors in Notarial Law from Utrecht University in 2009 and in Dutch Law from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Prior to that, I spent six months studying at one of Europe’s eldest universities, the Università di Bologna in Italy. After gaining experience in notarial work, I chose to pursue a career in law. Until 2019, I worked in Amsterdam at a renowned niche law firm specialised in family and inheritance law. Upon moving to Deventer, I worked as an attorney and divorce mediator at a prominent firm in Zwolle until 2023.

I have extensive experience handling complex cases in family law, primarily representing high net worth individuals, entrepreneurs, highly educated professionals, expats, and/or their partners in the context of their divorce. Cases involving children and international family law matters receive my special attention.

In family law, the challenge lies in bridging personal interests with legal possibilities, which fascinates me. It is a multifaceted expertise that requires collaboration with experts such as child psychologists, financial specialists, and notaries. I distinguish myself through a combination of expertise and the ability to guide clients through a significant phase of their lives in a involved manner towards a sustainable solution. I am decisive, practical, and empathetic, always keeping the interests of my clients and the involved children in mind.

I can represent you as an attorney, guide parties as a divorce mediator, and provide advice. I am based in Deventer, and my professional reach and network extend across the Netherlands.

I am a member of the specialization association for Family Law Attorneys and Divorce Mediators (Vereniging voor Familierecht Advocaten en Scheidingsbemiddelaars, de vFAS). I completed my vFAS training with honors. Additionally, I serve as the regional coordinator for vFAS in the Overijssel region and work as an editor for the vFAS website, Verder-Online.nl.